Is Fall Really the Best Time to Install a New Roof?

fall roof repair chicago

Remember those days when in order to fact-check a statement made by your friend during an argument you had to go to a library? Me neither… Nowadays, when we want to learn something or prove a point, we turn to Google. When it comes to “what’s the best time to install a new roof”, Google’s sources seem to be divided.

Many blog posts written by roofing companies prefer fall, but then there are plenty of articles claiming that summer or spring is the best time. Not surprisingly, no one is recommending to get your roofing done in winter unless you live in a warm climate state (this post is for homeowners in Illinois). So is there such a thing as “best time to get your roof fixed”?

The answer is the somewhat unsatisfactory: “it depends.”

Let’s start with saying that the best time to replace your roof is as soon as it starts exhibiting signs of serious wear or as soon as you notice a major problem (usually some sort of damage). If the damage is bad and you have a leak, you don’t really have a luxury of waiting until it’s convenient for you or until some magic ideal season begins. Unfortunately, this is the harsh truth… You can avoid emergency rush jobs by performing a regular maintenance on your roof and your gutters.

Needless to say, no one is safe from surprises of the mother nature. If your roof was badly damaged following a hail storm, a hurricane or tornado, once again, you cannot afford to wait until whatever you deem to be “the best season.”

However, if your roof is approaching its natural expiration date, but there are not leaks (yet), you can plan your roof replacement according to your own schedule.

Summer wind, rain, and even hurricanes can take a toll on your roof, especially when it is approaching the end of its expected lifespan. (Asphalt shingles will normally last about 20 years; wood or laminate shingles up to 50 years; clay tiles 80 years; and slate as long as 100 years.)

Inspect your roof at summer’s end and make a decision whether you can wake till spring. If think you can, call a few local roofing companies and ask them point blank: would they offer you a discount if they installed a new roof in spring? Are they super busy right now?

There’s a common notion that fall is a peak season for roofing companies and that every roofer raises their prices. It’s not true. Again, it depends. Yes, there are years when we have more work than we can handle during the fall and we’re forced to either raise our prices a little or ask our prospects to wait an additional week or two before we can start working on their roof. But it’s not a given.

Just like with any business transaction, communication is key. Talk to us! Call us! We’ll inspect your roof, find out what your personal priorities are, and make a decision that works best for you, our client!

The bottom line is this: fall is not always peak season for every roofer, and peak season doesn’t always mean that prices are higher. It just depends…

For instance, since we do a lot of hail damage repairs, often times peak season for us is late spring and summer, when hail is most likely to hit the Chicago area and cause roof damage.

If it’s truly a peak season for us and there’s a realistic chance that you will save if you wait till spring, we’ll let you know. If you’re confident that your roof is going to last through the winter and you want to save some money, early spring is your best bet.

Other than that, replacing your roof in autumn does have plenty of advantages.

In the Chicago area, fall has the ideal weather conditions for replacing your roof. Roofing is best installed on a clear day when the temperature is above 45 to 50 degrees, particularly if you are using asphalt shingles (the most popular roofing material in the U.S.). This allows the shingles’ seal strips to melt and adhere properly due to the ambient warmth, a process known as thermal sealing. At the same time, your roofer will be able to work better when it’s not excessively hot.

Also, reroofing in autumn will save on heating bills and keep your family cozy in winter. If your HVAC system is located in the attic, a new roof will help it operate at peak effectiveness. Roof replacement may qualify you to receive a federal tax credit for energy efficiency until December 31, 2016, applicable to the roofing material. Save your receipts and product labels to submit with your income tax return!